#Skeleton file for HW3 - Fall 2017 - extended intro to CS #Add your implementation to this file #You may add other utility functions to this file, #but you may NOT change the signature of the existing ones. #Change the name of the file to include your ID number (hw3_ID.py). ############ # QUESTION 2 ############ # a def find_first_positive1(f): pass #replace this with your code according to pattern # b def find_first_positive_range(f, a, b): pass #replace this with your code # c def find_first_positive2(f): pass #replace this with your code according to pattern ############ # QUESTION 3 ############ # a def find_maximum(blst): pass #replace this with your code # b def merge(A, B): ''' Merge list A of size n and list B of size m A and B must be sorted! ''' n = len(A) m = len(B) C = [0 for i in range(n + m)] a=0; b=0; c=0 while a 10**-7: print("error in equal") lin = lambda x: x+3 if source(lin,5) == None or abs(source(lin,5) - 2.0000000003798846) > 10**-7: print("error in source") if inverse(lin) == None or abs(inverse(lin)(5) - 1.9999999998674198) > 10**-7: print("error in inverse")